Clothing and Coronavirus

Should I change my clothes each time I come inside my house?

Anika H, Ahmed, MD

This question must be addressed scientifically. The important scientific information to bear in mind while dealing with COVID-19 is that it is caused by a Coronavirus that is transmitted through close contact, mainly droplet infection. Anytime a COVID-19 patient coughs or sneezes, the virus is projected out, hangs in the air and clings to surfaces. Clothes can get contaminated, but being porous they do not allow the virus to stay alive for long. Researchers tested various materials and found that the Coronavirus can exist for many hours, even days, on certain hard surfaces like cardboard, paper, and plastic. Soft and porous surfaces like fabric do not provide a good nest for the Coronavirus. Studies indicate that it is harder to catch Coronavirus from a soft surface and easier to catch it from a hard surface.

Regular washing of clothes is recommended; the important thing to keep in mind, however, is exposure while outside the house. If one goes for a run, hike, or walk with no close interaction with another human being, then there is no need to change clothes and do laundry immediately. However, if one has been to a grocery store and been unable to maintain a 6 foot distance from others in the store, may have leaned on hard surfaces like a door, trolley, shelf, or counter, or touched a hard surface like elevator buttons or door knobs and handles, then a change of clothes and laundry is recommended, especially if the clothing has hard surfaces like zippers and buttons.

As soon as one comes inside the house, washing hands is more important than washing clothes. There is a stronger chance of having Coronavirus clinging to hands than to clothes. Hands must be washed frequently for at least twenty to thirty seconds while paying special attention to areas around the nails, skin folds, and finger joints before putting on gloves. It is strongly recommended to wash hands like surgeons do, especially before eating or before touching the face. 

Laundry of all clothes can be done together even if there is a sick person in the house, as long as the laundry is done at a high temperature with detergent. Clothes in the dryer are also recommended to be put on high heat as the Coronavirus cannot survive heat above 133F. Do remember to wipe the hamper containing the dirty laundry of a sick COVID-19 patient.

Copyright Anika H. Ahmed, MD, The Stanwork Group

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