
More Variants of Coronavirus

How many more variants of Coronavirus? Anika H. Ahmed, MD Medical practitioners started seeing patients sick with flu like symptoms in early March of 2020 and the cause was identified as a deadly, highly contagious, droplet transmissible virus from the Coronavirus family. The disease with symptoms of fever, cough, sore throat, runny nose, body aches, …

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COVID-19 Vaccination for Children

COVID-19 vaccination for children Anika H. Ahmed, MD As the Covid-19 pandemic continues worldwide, with so far five new variants sprouting more in certain countries like the United States, United Kingdom, Germany, Italy, Brazil, India and South Africa, scientists continue to work round the clock on clinical trials, to get approval for a vaccine that …

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Weather Effects on Coronavirus Transmission

Does warmer weather stop the outbreak of COVID-19? Anika H. Ahmed, MD From the evidence so far, the COVID-19 virus can be transmitted in all climates, including areas with hot and humid weather. Research indicates that in order to kill the Covid-19 Coronavirus, heat virus containing objects for 3 minutes at temperatures above 75°C (160°F), …

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Booster Vaccines

To get or not to get booster vaccine for Covid-19 Anika H. Ahmed, MD As pharmaceutical staff continues to work round the clock, conducting clinical trails, collecting data, circulating questionnaires and surveys, they have been successful in bringing out the booster shots for protective vaccination against the highly infectious, often deadly Coronavirus causing the global …

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The Omicron Variant

Another variant of Covid 19 Coronavirus- Omicron Anika H. Ahmed, MD The unique feature of a virus, any virus is that it is constantly mutating and generating new forms, labelled as variants of the original virus. Coronavirus has deeply impacted the lives of everyone across the globe and still continues to do so, today posing …

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State Restrictions and Movement During Pandemic

If my state doesn’t have a shelter in place policy can I still go outside? Anika H. Ahmed, MD During the Coronavirus pandemic, the terms “lockdown”, “shelter in place”, and “stay at home” are being used on a daily basis across the globe. Some countries like China and India have a strict “lockdown” during which …

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Safety of US Food Supply During Pandemic

Is the US food supply safe? Anika H. Ahmed, MD The COVID-19 pandemic spreads by person to person transmission through droplet infection. Close contact with any infective COVID-19 person can transmit the infectious Coronavirus leading to symptoms of COVID-19. Humans handle food and it goes through various hands of food industry workers before it makes …

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Who is at Risk for COVID-19?

Who is at risk for catching COVID-19? Anika H. Ahmed, MD Following the pandemic of COVID-19 as a physician, I see that great unease, fear, and confusion surround COVID-19. After the declaration of a national emergency and the institution of lock-down orders in most states, many are wondering if they could potentially contract the virus. …

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Under-Control Underlying Condition and COVID-19

What if my underlying condition is/has been under control? Anika H. Ahmed, MD The primary job of a physician is to diagnose any chronic medical condition early before it gets blown into a severe illness, which could lead to complications. The main challenge of every physician is managing a chronic medical condition long term and …

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