Covid at all Time Low: – Kudos, Everyone!

The first week of April 2022 has become historical as we hear the much-awaited news that hospitalization due to Covid-19 in the United States is at its all-time low now. Numbers collected by the US Department of Health & Human Services, which started tracking the information in July 2020, indicate that as of Tuesday, March 5th, 2022, there were 15,250 positive Covid-19 people hospitalized in US hospitals. Data also indicates that presently only 2% of the hospital beds are being used for Covid-19 patients.

The previous lowest point was reached at the end of June 2021 with 160,000 people hospitalized with Covid-19, and then everything changed as we were hit by the Delta variant, followed closely by the Omicron variant.

Heaving a deep sigh of relief, it is time to congratulate everyone who made this happen. Special plaudits go to all the health workers, working tirelessly round the clock taking care of the sick in hospitals, clinics, pharmacies, parking lots and makeshift hospitals in churches, temples, mosques, hotels, pavilions, theatres, and stadiums. It is time to acknowledge our clinicians, researchers, statisticians, scientists, pharmacists, pharmaceutical staff members, program managers and data analysts who worked behind the doors to get effective vaccines out to the masses, in record breaking time.

Special kudos to the people of America who followed the SOPs laid out by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. The extreme loneliness coming from self-isolation over the last two years, at times quarantine & depression also, has paid off. Those following the SOPs wore masks sometimes for over 24 hours not only at work but also during travel in tight compartments, is now showing positive results.

Kudos also to the US Food and Drug Administration for the fast approval of the much-needed vaccines for different age groups.

A recent poll conducted by CNN indicates that the majority in significant parts of the United States still feel that Covid-19 continues to affect their lifestyles. Mask wearing and social distance has become a way of life for them, and they wish to continue with it. The poll indicates that 59% of those polled state that people should continue to wear masks in public places to prevent another surge of Covid-19 cases.


Can the remaining 41% join this practice to bring the present low 2% Covid-19 US hospitalization to a zero?


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