How to Self-Quarantine

What exactly is self-quarantine?

Anika H. Ahmed, MD

When thinking of self-quarantine for COVID-19, one must understand the meaning of self-quarantine. It involves staying at home for 14 days in order to prevent the further transmission of coronavirus to others, close monitoring of any developed symptoms, and avoiding close contact with everyone at home for the entire 14-day period. If symptoms appear then this self-quarantine could extend by seven additional days after the first appearance of symptoms, or to a period of quarantine extending until three days after complete recovery and absence of symptoms. Self-quarantine involves:

  • Staying at home and limiting out-of-home trips only to those necessary for medical care. For medical care too, many hospitals and health experts greatly encourage telemedicine and prefer connecting with their patients through phone calls, video calls, chats, or instant messaging tools. This telemedicine further decreases the risk of exposure for both the patient and the health worker and saves time, cost, and commute.
  • Avoid all public transport, especially metros, buses, cabs, and ubers.
  • Separate yourself from everyone and limit yourself to one room and bathroom.
  • Separate all personal items and do not share dishes, utensils, silverware, towels, or other personal items.
  • Preferably use a separate restroom and shower in order to avoid getting others around you sick from droplet infection.
  • Social distancing from others even if you are not sick or have no active symptoms. Avoid all locations like shared couches/beds or situations like watching a movie together in a closed space.
  • Order your groceries and avoid going out to the grocery store. Register yourself on an online grocery delivery service.
  • Wash hands thoroughly, vigorously, and frequently.
  • Wear a mask anytime anyone visits you in your room or you come in contact with anyone while outside your home for a medical appointment. It is actually best to communicate with your doctor through telemedicine and consult your healthcare provider on a virtual platform for consultation and guidance while in self-quarantine.
  • Clean and disinfect surfaces frequently and thoroughly with a disinfectant.
  • Make good use of technology – stay in touch with family and friends. Mental well-being is most important in self-quarantine and virtual meetings with health care providers, as well as chats and video calls with friends and family can greatly boost morale and maintain good mental health.
  • Exercise within the confines of your room. Come up with ideas of physical exercise like yoga or aerobics in a limited space by following various exercise programs on the net and staying physically healthy. 

Copyright Anika H. Ahmed, MD, The Stanwork Group

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