Blog Posts by

Anika H. Ahmed, MD

Executive Director

The Stanwork Group

Copyright Anika H. Ahmed, MD

Ready for a Coronavirus breath test?
The words ‘Breath test’ immediately bring to mind the image of being pulled over by the police and asked for a driver’s license followed by the breath test, where you have...
Covid at all Time Low: - Kudos, Everyone!
The first week of April 2022 has become historical as we hear the much-awaited news that hospitalization due to Covid-19 in the United States is at its all-time low now....
Are you Ready for a fourth shot of Coronavirus Vaccine?
As the last booster shot for the majority of Americans appears to be either more than six months or nearing six months’ time frame, many wonder if they still retain immunity...
And here comes a new variant of Coronavirus! Highly-Transmissible Omicron BA.2
Researchers and scientists have been keeping a close watch on any further Coronavirus mutation giving rise to a new variant without taking a break. All possible tools are...
Covid-19 Pandemic Second Anniversary marking once-incredible milestone
Today, Friday March 11, 2022, marks the second anniversary of the Covid-19 pandemic and for everyone it is a solemn moment of reflection of where we are today. March 11,...
Is it really time to let your guard down?
After the Centers of Disease Control announced a mask less policy, based on the number of hospitalizations, vaccination status and prevalence of positive cases, people...
Ready to be unmasked? Follow the 3C's
Spring may come early this year as the announcement of the Centers for Disease Control last week felt like a fresh breath of air. The much-awaited announcement stated that...
Another tool being used to detect Covid-positive cases: Sewage Wastewater
Scientists have not stopped at taking nasal swabs to detect Corona virus. As the pandemic evolves, research continues on the transmission of the Coronavirus from positive...
How long can I use the same mask?
Pre-Covid-pandemic days one would grab the car keys, cell phone and wallet while heading out the door. These days the majority look for masks as they prepare to step out....
Infants and Toddlers Covid shots coming your way soon!
With almost two years into the pandemic of Covid-19, everyone is desperate to get out of it and come back to a pre-Covid life that allowed them to be out and about. Many...
Message from Frontline Health Workers: Not a Single Hospitalization Due to Covid-19 After Full Vaccination
The start of 2022 has seen a new surge of Covid-19 cases in the United States, and presently it is at 98% of its peak, with 1,592 positive cases per 100,000 people being...
Hopes High for an Anti-Covid-19 Cocktail
With research continuing on Covid-19 round the clock, scientists are excited to work on preparing a cocktail of multiple drugs to fight Coronavirus. Development of a drug...
Another Global Health Threat! Drug-Resistant Fungal Infection Candida Auris in Hospital Patients
Believe it or not, as the majority wraps up 2021 with booster shots and a sigh of relief, looking forward to the new year in control of COVID-19, scientists have more worrisome...
Good news for high schoolers - get boosted!
Good news for high schoolers – get boosted! The dawn of December 9th, 2021 brought much awaited good news for worried high schoolers and their parents, as they debated...
To take or not to take the anti-COVID-19 pill?
To take or not to take the anti-COVID-19 pill? The emergency approval of both the Pfizer’s Paxlovid and Merck ‘s Molnupiravir by the US Food & Drug Authority in the...
Disturbing Long-term Complications of Covid-19-Neurological Symptoms!
Disturbing long-term complications of Covid-19-Neurological Symptoms! Anika H. Ahmed, MD As we complete 19 months of Covid-19 restricted life, one cannot help wondering...
COVID-19 Positive but no Symptoms? Here is What You Need to do!
COVID-19 Positive but no Symptoms? -Here is what you need to do! Anika H Ahmed, MD  It is an established fact that many people may be walking around with Coronavirus...
First Antiviral COVID-19 Pill Approved in the United States
First Antiviral COVID-19 Pill Paxlovid Approved in the United States Anika H. Ahmed, MD On Wednesday, December 22, 2021, the highly anticipated news was received with a...
COVID-19's Toll on AIDS Patients
COVID-19 Takes it’s Toll on AIDS Patients Also Anika H. Ahmed, MD As masked up and almost fully immunized scientists, researchers, doctors, and other medical personnel...
One Vaccine may Protect Against all Coronavirus Variants
Good News- New COVID-19 Vaccine may protect against all variants of Coronavirus! Anika H. Ahmed, MD The Coronavirus continues to create havoc in everyone’s life across...
Post-Vaccination COVID-19 Exposure Benefits
Getting Covid-19 after being fully vaccinated can have its perks! Anika H. Ahmed, MD It is amazing to study the immune system of the human body and see how it reacts to...
Good News: Infant & Toddler COVID Vaccine Coming Soon
Good News for parents of infants & toddlers- COVID-19 Vaccine coming soon Anika H. Ahmed, MD The world eagerly received the breaking news on Friday, Dec 17th when Pfizer...
Laboratories' Ability to Detect Omicron
Are our laboratories ready to detect the Omicron variant? Anika H. Ahmed, MD Scientists are not stopping when it comes to the fight against COVID-19. The first case of...
First U.S. Omicron Case Detected
First Omicron Positive Case Detected in the United States Anika H. Ahmed, MD On Wednesday, December 1st, Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of the National Institute of Allergy...
How Omicron Variant of Covid-19 differs from Alpha & Delta Variants
How is the Omicron Variant different from Alpha & Delta Variants of COVID-19? Anika H. Ahmed, MD As family and friends depart for their respective destinations after...
More Variants of Coronavirus
How many more variants of Coronavirus? Anika H. Ahmed, MD Medical practitioners started seeing patients sick with flu like symptoms in early March of 2020 and the cause...
COVID-19 Vaccination for Children
COVID-19 vaccination for children Anika H. Ahmed, MD As the Covid-19 pandemic continues worldwide, with so far five new variants sprouting more in certain countries like...
Weather Effects on Coronavirus Transmission
Does warmer weather stop the outbreak of COVID-19? Anika H. Ahmed, MD From the evidence so far, the COVID-19 virus can be transmitted in all climates, including areas with...
Booster Vaccines
To get or not to get booster vaccine for Covid-19 Anika H. Ahmed, MD As pharmaceutical staff continues to work round the clock, conducting clinical trails, collecting data,...
The Omicron Variant
Another variant of Covid 19 Coronavirus- Omicron Anika H. Ahmed, MD The unique feature of a virus, any virus is that it is constantly mutating and generating new forms,...
Face Covering When Mask Not Available
If I don’t have a mask, what is the best way to cover my face when I go outside? Anika H. Ahmed, MD As a physician I can tell you that the main purpose of keeping your...
Adequate Sleep and Strengthened Immune Systems
Why is sticking to a sleep schedule important during COVID-19? Anika H. Ahmed, MD Sleep is critical to physical and mental health as well as to an effective, functioning...
State Restrictions and Movement During Pandemic
If my state doesn’t have a shelter in place policy can I still go outside? Anika H. Ahmed, MD During the Coronavirus pandemic, the terms “lockdown”, “shelter in place”,...
Aspirin Dosage for Fever Reduction
Is 325 mg Aspirin as effective for fever reduction? Anika H. Ahmed, MD Aspirin is a salicylate and a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug. It is commonly used to reduce...
Safety of US Food Supply During Pandemic
Is the US food supply safe? Anika H. Ahmed, MD The COVID-19 pandemic spreads by person to person transmission through droplet infection. Close contact with any infective...
Who is at Risk for COVID-19?
Who is at risk for catching COVID-19? Anika H. Ahmed, MD Following the pandemic of COVID-19 as a physician, I see that great unease, fear, and confusion surround COVID-19....
OTC Medicines to Take When Flu-like Symptoms Appear
What OTC medicines should I take if I start feeling flu-like symptoms? Anika H. Ahmed, MD  One sickness that takes its toll on everyone in Fall every year is the Flu. That...
First Steps When COVID-19 is Suspected
What should be my first step if I think I have COVID-19? Anika H. Ahmed, MD ‌Being a physician with more than 25 years’ experience in preventive medicine, I always look...
Under-Control Underlying Condition and COVID-19
What if my underlying condition is/has been under control? Anika H. Ahmed, MD The primary job of a physician is to diagnose any chronic medical condition early before it...
Weak Immune System
What makes for a weak immune system? Anika H. Ahmed, MD The immune system is the main defense system of the body made up of white blood cells, antibodies, lymph nodes and...
How to Self-Quarantine
What exactly is self-quarantine? Anika H. Ahmed, MD When thinking of self-quarantine for COVID-19, one must understand the meaning of self-quarantine. It involves staying...
Earliest Symptoms of COVID-19
What are the earliest symptoms of COVID-19?  Anika H. Ahmed, MD COVID-19 has a long incubation period of 2-14 days, before any symptoms appear. On average it takes 5-6...
Masks at Home for Covid-Positive Household Members
Should sick people wear masks at home so they don’t infect family members in the household? Anika H. Ahmed, MD I received a text from my nephew who works at the airport....
Masks and Children
Should children wear masks? Anika H. Ahmed, MD Face masks provide a protective barrier over the nose and mouth to prevent droplet infection – virus-laden particles expelled...
Clothing and Coronavirus
Should I change my clothes each time I come inside my house? Anika H, Ahmed, MD This question must be addressed scientifically. The important scientific information to...
Keeping Essential Workers Protected from Coronavirus
Keeping Essential Workers Protected from Coronavirus Anika H. Ahmed, MD I am a physician with more than 25 years’ experience in preventive medicine and have throughout...
Ibuprofen and COVID-19
Is it true that it is dangerous to take ibuprofen if you have COVID-19? Anika H. Ahmed, MD The decision of taking a fever reducing medicine is an important part of the...
What to do when there is a COVID-19 Outbreak in Community
What should I do if there is a COVID-19 outbreak in my community? Anika H. Ahmed, MD A physician expecting an outbreak of an infectious disease in the community will always...
Virus Transmission Through Food
Can I get sick with COVID-19 if it’s on food?  Anika H. Ahmed, MD  September 2020 The Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is a highly infectious,...
Potential Complications from COVID-19
What complications can COVID-19 cause? Anika H. Ahmed, MD  Although COVID-19 is a new disease appearing first in China in the winter of 2019, the pattern seen so far in...
Silent COVID-19 Carrier
How do I know if I’m a silent carrier of COVID-19? Anika H. Ahmed, MD Anyone can be a silent carrier of COVID-19. That can be confirmed with testing. But what does it mean?...
Coronary Condition and Coronavirus
Does a 10 year old successful Coronary bypass surgery mean I have an underlying medical condition? Having undergone a Coronary bypass surgery deemed successful 10 years...
Practicing Coronavirus Safety at Work
How can I stay safe when I go back to work? Anika H. Ahmed, MD After a prolonged self-quarantine, lockdown, and at times, isolation, everyone wants to get back to work...
Necessary Travel During Pandemic
What should I do if I need to travel for work or in an emergency? Anika H. Ahmed, MD A major risk factor of cross infection is always there while travelling, especially...
When to Self-Quarantine
How do you know if you should self-quarantine? Anika H Ahmed, MD One term that a patient does not like hearing from a physician is ‘self-quarantine’ because it means a...
Protecting Household from COVID-19 Afflicted Member
How can I prevent the rest of my family from getting sick if someone in my home gets COVID-19? Anika H. Ahmed, MD During a pandemic it is pretty common to see one or more...
Acetaminophen and COVID-19
What if you are not able to take Acetaminophen and you have a fever due to COVID-19? Anika H. Ahmed, MD  During the pandemic of COVID-19, the first analgesic to disappear...
How do I Get a COVID-19 Test?
How can I get a COVID-19 test? Anika H. Ahmed, MD Being a physician working in public health for more than 25 years, I fully appreciate the importance of testing and the...
Food Supply During Pandemic
How does the US manage its food supply during COVID-19? Anika H. Ahmed, MD August 2020 The massive pandemic of COVID-19 started from China and spread like a wave across...
U.S. Food Supply During COVID-19
How does the US manage its food supply during COVID-19? Anika H. Ahmed, MD The massive pandemic of COVID-19 started from China and spread like a wave across the globe,...
Virus Transmission Through Pets
Can my pets spread COVID-19? Anika H. Ahmed MD   Pets are loved members of many households and need to be cared for. With the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, there is concern...
Underlying Conditions of Concern with COVID-19
What underlying conditions should I be worried about with COVID-19? Anika H. Ahmed, MD Being a physician dealing with infectious communicable diseases throughout my career,...
Coronavirus Transmission by COVID-19 Recoverer
Can someone who had COVID-19 and recovered still spread it to others? Anika H Ahmed, MD   October 2020 This is a particularly important question and crucial to the well-being...
Children Socializing During Pandemic
Can I let my children see their friends? Anika H. Ahmed, MD   September 2020 When the pandemic of COVID-19 first became public knowledge, the term most frequently heard...
Treatment for COVID-19
Is there a treatment for COVID-19? Anika H. Ahmed, MD The biggest challenge for a physician is to explain to a patient that there is no curative treatment available for...
COVID-19 Fever OTC Medication
At what temperature should you begin taking a fever reducer? Anika H. Ahmed, MD  August 2020 A fever is a physiological reaction of the body to any infection due to a virus...
Protecting Children from COVID-19
How can I protect my kids from COVID-19? Anika H. Ahmed, MD July 2020 The pandemic of COVID-19 has claimed hundreds of thousands of lives across the globe and continues...
Virus on Plastic Shopping Bags
Does the virus live on plastic shopping bags if someone does my shopping for me? Anika H. Ahmed, MD July 2020 Plastic bags are still commonly used for groceries. These...
Children's COVID-19 Symptoms
Do kids show COVID-19 symptoms differently?  Anika H. Ahmed, MD   The multi-spike, highly contagious, highly infectious, and highly dangerous Coronavirus causing COVID-19...
Making Hand Sanitizer at Home
How can I make my own hand sanitizer at home? Anika H. Ahmed, MD One thing common across the globe during the pandemic of COVID-19 has been the scarcity of hand sanitizers....
The Difference Between Coronavirus and COVID-19
How is COVID-19 Different from the Coronavirus? Anika H Ahmed, MD Coronavirus is an interesting name to give to a virus. Corona means ‘Crown’. Coronavirus is a family of...